Lá:Lém Building Inspection & Consulting - Example Home Inspection Report
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A home inspection is primarily visible and done in a limited time. Not every defect will be discovered. For further clarification of the components, procedures and limitations of the home inspection please consult the Standard of Practice the inspection was performed under.
The visible condition of exterior coverings, trim, entrances and drainage are inspected with respect to their effect on the condition of the building.
The visible condition of the roof covering, flashings, skylights, chimneys and roof penetrations are inspected. The purpose of the inspection is to determine general condition, NOT to determine life expectancy.
The visible condition of the structural components is inspected. The determination of adequacy of structural components is beyond the scope of a home inspection.
The inspector can not inspect hidden wiring or verify if the number of outlets is per the National Electric Code. A representative number of outlets, switches and fixtures are tested for operation.
The heating system is inspected visually and operated by normal controls to determine general condition NOT life expectancy. The capacity or adequacy of the heating system is beyond the scope of a home inspection. A licensed HVAC contractor should be consulted if in question.
The plumbing system is inspected visually and by operating a representative number of fixtures. Private water and waste systems are beyond the scope of a home inspection.